Declaring Doctrine Home » Video Category » Verity Baptist Church » Declaring Doctrine 13 videos found The Doctrine of the Trinity (Part 16) | Pastor Roger Jimenez 507 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Part 15) | Pastor Roger Jimenez 555 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church The Humanity of Christ (Part 14) | Pastor Roger Jimenez 516 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church The Eternal Sonship of Christ (Part 13) | Pastor Roger Jimenez 805 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church The Deity of Christ As Proven by His Personal Statements (Part 12) | Pastor Roger Jimenez 945 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church The Deity of Christ As Proven by the Testimony of Scripture (Part 11) | Pastor Jimenez 983 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church The Deity of Christ as Proven by His Attributes (Part 10) | Pastor Roger Jimenez 1,048 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church The Moral Attributes of God (Part 9) | Pastor Roger Jimenez 970 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church Is the Bible Reliable? (Part 5) | Pastor Roger Jimenez, VBC 1,707 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church What is the Bible? (Part 4) | Pastor Roger Jimenez, VBC 1,523 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church The Doctrine of the Word of God (Part 3) | Pastor Roger Jimenez, VBC 1,554 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church The Doctrine of Revelation (Part 2) | Pastor Roger Jimenez, VBC 2,024 views Declaring Doctrine,Verity Baptist Church 12»Page 1 of 2